Most potent memory of freedom: leaving home and making my own money! First job in NYC, as a coat check girl in a night club; hard work, cash tips, my shift ended at 4am. I loved it. The night flew by

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Making your own money. It's the best!

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Most potent memory of freedom: swimming in a beautiful lake in Washington off of a giant mossy fallen tree trunk that sloped into the blue water like the perfect ramp. We stripped down to our underwear because we could not pass up the opportunity. We returned a couple of years later and did it again. Soon after that, the fallen tree was dragged offshore, and the shoreline was "shored up" for "better" access, which almost completely eliminated access to the actual water... sigh

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Lovely memory

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Freedom is trusting my instinct my gut, and knowing it would take me to where I need to be, thats freedom. That is what is lost in the world today.

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So true. Being yourself is an (almost) lost virtue.

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What a line! “ Freedom is weighty and often, the easiest choice is to conform and stay within the warm embrace of the pack.” So so true, never thought of it like this.

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It's complicated. "Freedom from" is different than "Freedom to"

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